Monday, March 10, 2008

Becoming a leader is a choice

On a recent training call with Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, a question was asked of him. What is the key to becoming successful? Tom took a deep breath, thought for a minute and then recommended Dale Carnegie's book - How to win friends and influence people.
I'm not sure what the questioner expected. Maybe a list of traffic exchanges to go to, the number of people you need to talk to a day, the script for talking to them. I don't know how the person reacted to the answer. Was she disappointed? Was she excited? Did she see the merit in what the answer was?
Theodore Roosevelt stated: The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
I am going to take that one step further. Listen to people. Even the dull and ignorant have their story.Desiderata
The art of listening is or can be a learned skill. How often does someone really listen to you? How often do you really listen to someone else? I mean really listen? Hear the story behind the words? In an MLM profession people need to know the answers to a couple of questions - 1.) Can I do this? 2.) Will you help me? They may not verbalize the questions but if you listen you will hear them. And only you know the answer to the questions. As a leader what will you do?
It is your choice.
Joyce Penner
Professional Network Marketer
Free Gift for You !

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