There is a catch phrase in Network Marketing called "crossing the line". If you've never heard it before I'll explain it the way a couple of top notch network marketers explained it to me. The line is the point where you or a team member has made a total commitment to the company. It will no longer matter if the products are backordered for 6 weeks or if the top distributor in the company quits or you lose a team member. You are committed. In for the long haul. Dedicated to the company, the team and the products. Nothing will shake your faith. That line is not cast in concrete. Everybody has a different point where they themselves will personally never quit. Our goal as a leader is to help everyone we meet/talk to/prospect/coach to "cross that line".
The actual sign up becomes a non issue at that point. From first contact to finish, your role is simply to use whatever tools or information you have to assist others to reach that rock solid commitment where there is no turning back.
With that commitment comes a benefit that cannot be bought, sold or faked. That benefit is posture. Posture is a combination of what you believe, how you act and the confidence you have. You've crossed the line - You Believe ! Nothing is going to shake you from what you know in your head and your heart. When you believe - You Act on that belief ! You have the vehicle to provide others with an opportunity that you know is second to none. When you act on your belief - You have the confidence ! You don't need to be the top earning, big gun, highest earner in your network marketing opportunity to approach anyone (and I mean anyone) with the utmost confidence that what you have to offer is far superior to any job or business they are currently doing.
Don't apologize for approaching people. Recognize what an amazing opportunity network marketing is and that is what you are offering them. Go after people who are making more money than you, business owners, people who are more educated than you. Believe in and have confidence in the truly unique opportunity you have to offer. There is nothing that beats Network Marketing. You and I know that. Now go share it with the world.
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