Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous New Year !

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Owning your life is a business decision !

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Burn belly fat now ! HOT new product burns the fat easily. Know anyone who can benefit? Details: 866-334-5344 100% guaranteed !

Friday, December 26, 2008

You will stay right where you are until you identify what your limitations are.

Monday, December 22, 2008

It's official - "Drink 4 ozs a day - burn the fat away". Call me: 206-426-0713 & then make your New's Years resolution with confidence!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tragic isn't it?

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Dale Calvert's ebook is an incredibly powerful read with building tips for specific companies. Check it out

Monday, December 15, 2008

Latest blog post shows how learning the Business Model Drives the Behaviour in the Field is crucial to your success.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm thrilled I can now post I am an "Expert Ezine Author"

Friday, December 12, 2008

When you dance for joy even a broom is fun to dance with as you're cleaning the house !! Have an awesome day.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Robert Kiyosaki Free CD lead capture system attracts only the entrepreneurial minded. Others won't see it. Attracts the best of the best.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Well I did it. Car is running. Both sets of keys in the car. Doors are locked !! First time - I swear ! LOL
Error !! Webinar on Robert Kiyosaki FREE CD is actually - Try this one !

Monday, December 8, 2008

Free Robert Kiyosaki CD webinar - Dec. 10. Sign up Free today - December 10th 2008 Webinar
Today's quote: If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Town wide Santa day for the kids today ! Facepainting, games, food, yummm !

Friday, December 5, 2008

Need someone to be blunt?
Typing with mittens today. Furnace went out. Plumber can't come till tonight. -27 today !

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Wow ! When you have an upline with a system that works - this business rocks !
Peace, joy and contentment comes when you know you are on the path to true success ! The path is straight and wide. All you have to do is walk it.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Look in the mirror. Find out where your financial comfort zone is and then change it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

My upline will show me all their checks and they publish income stats! How refreshing! Want more info? Call me: 206-426-0713

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Network marketing and death in the same blog??

Friday, November 21, 2008

There are rules to dreaming if you want to be successful in network marketing.
Can life get easier? Take 10 minutes, produce a video, upload it to youtube, follow up with your newest leads. Easy !

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Do you know what makes "you" special?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

When does tenacity become stupidity in MLM?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Thanks Rick Hagar for the idea for this blog.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Who is Joyce Penner blog

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Robert Kiyosaki - part of the success journey.

Friday, November 7, 2008 John Milton Fogg endorses Robert Kiyosaki Free CD lead generating system
Woke up to snow. Roads are a sheet of ice. Kids are ecstatic. Mom not so much !! LOL

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The truth is hard to face.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The US election results while fascinating won't make a difference in your day to day.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Need a proven lead capture system that provides accurate contact info? Check out

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sorry phone number is wrong for Tom "Big Al" Schreiter's 206-426-0713 for more information. Oct 26 - 6-9 p.m.
Tom "Big Al" Schreiter is coming to Wpg. Oct 26. "I was on the road for 4 hours, at the seminar for 3 hrs. and every moment was worth it. The workshop was filled with non-stop, jaw-dropping, high-level superclosing training!" Melanie Kissell. Connect with me for details ! 206-936-3890

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Can you get to Winnipeg, Canada Oct. 26? Tom "Big Al" Schreiter is putting on one of his amazing workshops. Connect with me if you can make it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New blog post

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Testing out

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Gee, I'm glad I did

Two people. Their names are "Gee, I'm glad I did" and "Darn, I wish I had". Both are working 9 - 5 jobs. Both have a family, a home, a yard, a garden, a vehicle to look after. Both hear about an opportunity, a chance to make some additional money from home. Both are living pay check to pay check. "Gee, I'm glad I did" decides to go for it. After all, an additional $500 or $1000 a month would make a huge difference in their lifestyle. "Darn, I wish I had" decides it won't work, it would interfere with the TV shows he likes to watch after work, he isn't ready to give up 8 to 10 hours a week to change his life.
Life goes on. The years pass, this life is almost over and "Gee, I'm glad I did" and "Darn, I wish I had" meet at a local coffee shop to catch up on each other's lives. "Gee" and "Darn" (their on a first name basis by now) reminisce about life, where they've been, what they've done. And you guessed it. "Darn, I wish I had" hears about how that network marketing opportunity he passed up because it wouldn't work provided a life for "Gee, I'm glad I did" that most people only dream about.
Did "Gee" retire early? Yes. Did "Gee" travel the world? Yes. Did "Gee" build his dream home? Yes. Did "Gee" support his community, any charity he chose to? Yes. "Darn, I wish I had" was aptly named. His regret was palatable.
You have the choice. Is your name "Gee, I'm glad I did" or "Darn, I wish I had"? It is never too late to change your name, or your life, or to learn to dream. It is a decision and you can make it today.
YOU will be glad you did.
To your success in network marketing,
Joyce Penner
Mentor, coach, trainer

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My heart is heavy as the news hits the streets

A friend of mine heard the news the same time as we did. His opportunity, the one that was going to make him rich, was shut down by the Attorney General's office. All funds are frozen. It's been identified as a Ponzi scheme.

He knew better. I had taught him how to read the procedures and polices. We had talked about the compensation plan. I warned him - gently, that he needed to be careful and my heart now says maybe I shouldn't have been so gentle. Maybe I should have layed it out - pointedly - bluntly. Hit him right between the eyes. Maybe if I had his family would be OK today. The maybes. The doubt that maybe if I was a better friend I would have persisted.

My heart is heavy as the news hits the streets. I know I can only offer my knowledge to those who are ready to listen. I know not everyone will listen to me and that it is their choice. I know I can only be here for the ones who want to make decisions based on knowledge, training and skill. I know all that but still if only ............ !

Joyce L. Penner
Mentoring with a Servant's Heart

Monday, July 28, 2008

You think you are helping but .........

Someone in your organization calls you every time they have a personal problem or maybe the company made a mistake on their order or maybe they are just phoning because they thought they were going to have a bigger check than what they got. They phone you and they want you to listen to them, fix the problem, make their lives easier. That's what you are there for aren't you?

As a leader, is it your role to fix problems? Is it your role to listen to every problem? Some would say "yes".

Others will agree with Zig Ziegler and say "That's stinkin' thinkin'". They are the ones who will know and act on the knowledge that every hour spent on listening to someone's woes is an hour lost on moving their business forward. You can tell, if you listen, to the attitude behind the complaint or tale of woe. Are they making excuses? "I can't build my business if my check is late or I can't build my business if the product doesn't arrive until 2 days after the expected delivery date. I can't, I can't, I can't" and they are right. They can't.

A leader will look at a problem and see an opportunity. "Great the product is back ordered. It's so popular it sells out quickly so you better get your order in fast." That's a leader.

A leader will succeed despite the problems. And every company, let me repeat, every company is going to have some problems, some of the time. How do I know? It's simple. Companies have people working for them and nobody is perfect. Not your upline, not your downline, nor your sideline, nor the company service reps, the Chairman, the shipping clerks, etc. They are all human beings functioning within their sphere of influence.

A leader will acknowledge it, take whatever the problem is and accept the challenge continuing on the road to success.

Other's will not. What will you choose? Dwell on the problems or accept the inevitable and move on.

To your success,
Joyce Penner

Friday, July 25, 2008

Take the pulse of your desire

She had desire. She was unstoppable. I watched her for the first 10 or 15 minutes in amazement. Where was this coming from? She didn't normally have the personality to approach people she didn't know. She didn't normally have the confidence to go beyond the first 'no'. I had to ask her "What's up?"

The scenario was a typical community fundraising opportunity. I took two shifts. One, the first, was with another parent. We did OK. Had some fun. Got to know each other a little better. Mission accomplished. We'd volunteered. Our conscious was clear.

The next shift I was teamed up with a staff member from the daycare we were raising funds for. The proceeds were for a new playground. She was the one who had the desire. The desire for a new playground for the children in her charge. Her desire forced her out (way out) of her comfort zone. She wanted it that badly.

I couldn't keep up to her. No matter what I did she talked to more people. Had more people buying. Raised more funds than I'm betting any of the parents did. Why? Because she had the desire.

Is your desire strong? Take your pulse. You know what you want but how badly do you want it? As badly as that staff member wanted a new playground? Have you moved out of your comfort zone?

She did. And quess what? She was successful.

End of story.

To your success,
Joyce Penner

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why do we make building our MLM opp so difficult

Would YOU do this? Take a seed. Dig a shallow trough. Drop in the seed. Cover it. Water it. Watch it. Weed it. Water it again. Weed some more. Watch. Fertilize it. Water again. Watch it. Protect it from the harsh elements. Sit there. Watch it. Water. Weed. Harvest. Of course you wouldn't !! You would be disappointed with your harvest. Even if the seed was excellent, you nutured it, you protected it, you kept all negativity away from it, you would still be disappointed and yet - how many of us do that in our internet marketing business?

We have a prospect or 2. Or maybe we have one or two that join our business. We water them with encouragement, we weed them from negativity, we fertilize them with self-development techniques, we watch them, nuture them and they produce a harvest. Yes ! We can celebrate but how much of a harvest are we collecting from that one plant? Ultimately we are going to be disappointed.

Every gardener knows you plant a seed, weed it, water it, fertilize it, relax in the knowledge that natural law will take over and that the sun will shine and the rain will water with only a little help from us. Every gardener also knows that there is not going to be a 100% germination and plants enough seeds to compensate for that.

Every gardener knows if you want a bountiful harvest you keep planting the seeds of your opportunity and the harvest will be there in abundance.

Joe Vitale says it beautifully:
"If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the Law to bring results ...."

Keep planting. Be 100% sure you have the right seed (product and timing), you understand the techical specifications of how deep, how far apart etc. (your comp plan and P&Ps), know you need to water occasionally (provide encouragement), fertilize (self-develpment), weed (eliminate negativity) and then know your 95% germination rate is going to provide you with a bountiful harvest.

Keep planting. Keep it simple. Plant and harvest.

To a bountiful harvest,
Joyce Penner

Thursday, June 26, 2008

What does it take to be a network marketer?

What does it take to be a network marketer? The answer is going to surprise you. Nothing. Not a thing. You need to be yourself. To continue to recommend the product and services you like. To help others attain their goals and more importantly to forget your own. Now that is going to sound strange to alot of people. Forget your own goals?
Well OK that's not exactly right. But what if you focused on helping others become successful. What would happen in your organization? It would grow wouldn't it? So the more successful your team is the more successful you are? Makes perfect, logical sense. So then why don't more people do it? The real professionals do it and guess who they are? The multi-millionaires ! So don't take my word for it - go check out the real professionals and find out what they are doing.
And relax about being a network marketer. Just do what you are good at - being you. The rest will come.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Do you REALLY want to be a success?

You are the only one who can answer that. And you are the only one who can make you a success. That is so hard to swallow for so many people. Your success or failure is in your hands. Nobody elses.
Need help? Need to learn a new skill? Need to learn how to be a leader? Search around. Check the social networking sites you are on. Read and read some more. Personal development will bring you to the place where you can attract the best teachers/mentors/coaches and what they have to offer. Then be open. Learn. Listen. Apply what you've learned. Teach others what you've learned.
Then and only then can you be a success. In all areas of your life.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Don't ask me for a date if I'm already married !

I'm married (in love with my MLM company). You call me or email me and ask me for a date (invite me to join your opportunity). What have you done to me? You've turned me off. I have no respect for you. You have not honoured the fact I am already "in love". I will not listen to you. You will not be a friend. You have disrespected me.
Now turn that around. One of my mentors, Michael Dlouhy, shared the above parable with us on one of my team calls. We meet, you find out I'm married (in love with my MLM company), you have some tips, some good books, you're looking for a friend to share with and we build a relationship. We have a good friendship. We work together well. Then one day I find out my marriage isn't exactly what I thought it was. They dumped me (through no fault of my own), they just decided to quit (walk away from our partnership), I found out they are not really going to be there for me for the rest of my life. I'm devastated and who am I going to turn to? YOU ! Because I respect you, I know we can work well together. Now I am single and ready to hear your proposal.
Now that's network marketing.
Joyce Penner
Eagles Nest Marketing

Monday, April 21, 2008

Jim Rohn says work creates miracles

I simply copied and pasted Jim Rohn's last blog post in its entirety. It is that good.
Please enjoy. His contact information is on the bottom of the post. An excellent source for any MLM professional.
Joyce Penner
Eagles Nest Marketing

Category: Religion and Philosophy

(Excerpted from The Challenge to Succeed audio series)

Two thousand years ago on April 15th one of Jesus' disciples came to him and said it was time to pay taxes (that's how I know it was around April 15th), but they had no money. In response to his disciple's statement Jesus said "no problem". Now why could he say "no problem"? Well, word had it that Jesus was a miracle worker. If you hand a problem to a miracle worker what they are inclined to say is "no problem". You've got to hang out with people like that.

I belong to a small group and we do business around the world. These guys are all miracle workers. What an incredible group. If you hand any of them a problem guess what they say, "no problem". How many books will they read to solve a problem? As many as it takes. If they need to consult - how much consulting will they do? As much as it takes. How early will they get up? As early as it takes. "No problem"... you got to hang out with people like that. You cannot believe the thrill of being associated with miracle workers, people who will do whatever it takes to get the job done and perform miracles.

When asked about paying the taxes Jesus said it was "no problem". In fact, he said it was going to be easy - he told the disciple to just go fishing. Now it couldn't have been any easier than that, especially for this disciple whose name was Peter, because Peter was a fisherman. Now if you can fish and you should fish and you don't fish - then that is why you do not get a miracle. But Jesus told his disciple to go fishing and the first fish that he caught to look in its mouth. Peter, who was used to strange things happening, agreed. Well, the first fish Peter catches, he looks in its mouth and finds coins. Peter then adds up the coins and they are exactly enough to pay his and Jesus' taxes.

"Wow!", you might say, "That is a miracle!" Here is why we call it a miracle - simply because we don't quite understand how it works. That's all. Doesn't mean it doesn't work, it just means we don't quite understand how it works. Which is true of all miracles. In fact, for most of us - our whole life is a miracle.

How about this miracle... God says if you plant the seed I will make the tree. Wow, you can't have a better arrangement than that. First, it gives God the tough end of the deal. What if you had to make a tree? That would keep you up late at night trying to figure out how to make a tree. God says, "No, leave the miracle part to me. I've got the seed, the soil, the sunshine, the rain and the seasons. I'm God and all this miracles stuff is easy for me. I have reserved something very special for you and that is to plant the seed."

I have found in life that if you want a miracle you first need to do whatever it is you can do - if that's to plant, then plant; if it is to read, then read; if it is to change, then change; if it is to study, then study; if it is to work, then work; whatever you have to do. And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

This article was submitted by Jim Rohn, America's Foremost Business Philosopher. To subscribe to the Free Jim Rohn Weekly E-zine go to or send a blank email to
Copyright © 2008 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Crossing the Line = Posture

There is a catch phrase in Network Marketing called "crossing the line". If you've never heard it before I'll explain it the way a couple of top notch network marketers explained it to me. The line is the point where you or a team member has made a total commitment to the company. It will no longer matter if the products are backordered for 6 weeks or if the top distributor in the company quits or you lose a team member. You are committed. In for the long haul. Dedicated to the company, the team and the products. Nothing will shake your faith. That line is not cast in concrete. Everybody has a different point where they themselves will personally never quit. Our goal as a leader is to help everyone we meet/talk to/prospect/coach to "cross that line".
The actual sign up becomes a non issue at that point. From first contact to finish, your role is simply to use whatever tools or information you have to assist others to reach that rock solid commitment where there is no turning back.

With that commitment comes a benefit that cannot be bought, sold or faked. That benefit is posture. Posture is a combination of what you believe, how you act and the confidence you have. You've crossed the line - You Believe ! Nothing is going to shake you from what you know in your head and your heart. When you believe - You Act on that belief ! You have the vehicle to provide others with an opportunity that you know is second to none. When you act on your belief - You have the confidence ! You don't need to be the top earning, big gun, highest earner in your network marketing opportunity to approach anyone (and I mean anyone) with the utmost confidence that what you have to offer is far superior to any job or business they are currently doing.

Don't apologize for approaching people. Recognize what an amazing opportunity network marketing is and that is what you are offering them. Go after people who are making more money than you, business owners, people who are more educated than you. Believe in and have confidence in the truly unique opportunity you have to offer. There is nothing that beats Network Marketing. You and I know that. Now go share it with the world.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What's the difference?

Caught between his globe trotting seminars, at home, MLM guru Art Jonak defines leadership as "the ability to inspire and motivate". Inspiration: (definition) 1. influence of thought and strong feelings on action. Motivate: (definition) make someone want to act.

The difference between the "upline sponsor" and a "leader" is as simple as asking the question: "Do they, Can they, inspire and motivate the team?" An upline sponsor may know all the company answers, may know how to do an incredible, perfect presentation, may be able to help with the nuts and bolts of building a business and they may even be a leader ! If they are: follow them. Learn everything you can. Watch and duplicate what they do.

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - Abraham Lincoln

Crossing the American/Canadian border I witnessed first hand the use or abuse of power. A woman, probably in her early thirties and a man, about 50, were the only two on duty at this rather small border crossing. A few cars were present in the parking lot and when I entered the building both customs officers were busy. With nothing else to occupy my time, standing next in line, I couldn't help but overhear the exchanges of both officers with the returning Canadians. Both Canadians had spent the weekend, shopping and having fun in the U.S. Both their stories were similar. The difference was the officers. The details are not important. What was important to note was the two extremes employed by the two officers. One couple will continue their journey happy, content, reminiscing about the wonderful trip they had with a receipt for a hefty fine in their pockets. The other couple, with no receipt, no fine, will bitterly remember the unsmiling face, barking out orders, demanding, accusing.

Dale Carnegie, if he were alive today, would have nodded and maybe smiled at the mastery of the congenial officer as the couple volunteered they had maybe forgotten to declare some of their purchases. He would have maybe offered a copy of his book "How to influence people and win friends" to the second officer. The first officer motivated the couple to volunteer the truth, the second misused the power of the position entrusted to her.

Choose your path. Test yourself. As your downline builds, as your organization grows, as you gain recognition within your organization - what does your character look like? It is your choice.

Joyce Penner
Professional mentor, coach and trainer
Your free gift - Click here !

Monday, March 10, 2008

Becoming a leader is a choice

On a recent training call with Tom "Big Al" Schreiter, a question was asked of him. What is the key to becoming successful? Tom took a deep breath, thought for a minute and then recommended Dale Carnegie's book - How to win friends and influence people.
I'm not sure what the questioner expected. Maybe a list of traffic exchanges to go to, the number of people you need to talk to a day, the script for talking to them. I don't know how the person reacted to the answer. Was she disappointed? Was she excited? Did she see the merit in what the answer was?
Theodore Roosevelt stated: The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
I am going to take that one step further. Listen to people. Even the dull and ignorant have their story.Desiderata
The art of listening is or can be a learned skill. How often does someone really listen to you? How often do you really listen to someone else? I mean really listen? Hear the story behind the words? In an MLM profession people need to know the answers to a couple of questions - 1.) Can I do this? 2.) Will you help me? They may not verbalize the questions but if you listen you will hear them. And only you know the answer to the questions. As a leader what will you do?
It is your choice.
Joyce Penner
Professional Network Marketer
Free Gift for You !

Friday, February 29, 2008

You are the key to your own success

Are you mentoring, coaching and training your downline?

Don't have a downline yet? Or you do but you're losing them as fast as you gain them?
Mentoring, coaching and training isn't about training them about the ins and outs of your company or where to buy leads or how many to buy.

Mentoring, coaching and training someone else is all about you. You are the key. You are the leader. For people to follow you, you must be worthy of being followed. You may be a fountain of information on when your company started, how and where, who the corporate executives are and the fact you socialize with them or you may know everything about your products but does that information really provide the coaching, mentoring and training that your downline needs?
In a word - No ! Dr. Robert Anthony in his book "Betting on yourself" asks the question - what happens when you squeeze an orange? The answer is obvious - orange juice. What happens when someone squeezes you? If you are a leader (and every leader gets squeezed) what will pour out of you is compassion, understanding, fairness, wisdom and the ability to make the right decisions for all concerned.

How do you become a leader? Only by personal development. How do you become the mentor, coach and trainer that others will follow until death do you part? Only by self improvement. My friend, mentor and coach, Mr. Art Jonak told me the following story: Early in his career as a network marketing professional a friend of his always seemed to be one step ahead of him. One day he sat down and asked him "What are you doing?" The friend answered: "I'm reading a good book once a month". So Art did that. The friend's business was still growing faster than Arts and again he asked the question "What are you doing?" The friend replied "I'm reading 2 good books a month". So Art did that. But still Art was lagging behind. Fairly competitive and searching for the key to success he went back again. Same question. The answer came back "I'm reading a good book once a week". Personal development was obviously the one factor that kept pace with the successful growth of their respective businesses. Today, Mr. Art Jonak reads 2 "good" books a week. He carries the honour of being the "Best Network Marketer in the World" awarded to him in 2004. He is extremely successful and his personal development is ongoing.

Coaching, mentoring and training starts with you ! Become the leader others will follow. Do what successful people do, they work on themselves and then they can be the leader others would be willing to follow.

Joyce Penner
Professional Network Marketer
Mentoring, Coaching and Training

Become the leader you want to be. Start now ! Click here for free ebook !