Sunday, July 20, 2008

Why do we make building our MLM opp so difficult

Would YOU do this? Take a seed. Dig a shallow trough. Drop in the seed. Cover it. Water it. Watch it. Weed it. Water it again. Weed some more. Watch. Fertilize it. Water again. Watch it. Protect it from the harsh elements. Sit there. Watch it. Water. Weed. Harvest. Of course you wouldn't !! You would be disappointed with your harvest. Even if the seed was excellent, you nutured it, you protected it, you kept all negativity away from it, you would still be disappointed and yet - how many of us do that in our internet marketing business?

We have a prospect or 2. Or maybe we have one or two that join our business. We water them with encouragement, we weed them from negativity, we fertilize them with self-development techniques, we watch them, nuture them and they produce a harvest. Yes ! We can celebrate but how much of a harvest are we collecting from that one plant? Ultimately we are going to be disappointed.

Every gardener knows you plant a seed, weed it, water it, fertilize it, relax in the knowledge that natural law will take over and that the sun will shine and the rain will water with only a little help from us. Every gardener also knows that there is not going to be a 100% germination and plants enough seeds to compensate for that.

Every gardener knows if you want a bountiful harvest you keep planting the seeds of your opportunity and the harvest will be there in abundance.

Joe Vitale says it beautifully:
"If we plant a seed in the ground we know that the sun will shine and the rain will water, and we leave it to the Law to bring results ...."

Keep planting. Be 100% sure you have the right seed (product and timing), you understand the techical specifications of how deep, how far apart etc. (your comp plan and P&Ps), know you need to water occasionally (provide encouragement), fertilize (self-develpment), weed (eliminate negativity) and then know your 95% germination rate is going to provide you with a bountiful harvest.

Keep planting. Keep it simple. Plant and harvest.

To a bountiful harvest,
Joyce Penner


Basically Bouie said...

could not have said it better myself. I have spent so much time on the nurturing part that I'm not trusting the process. What is meant to be will be. Planting in the right medium (whatever that may be) is only part of the equation. One must be engaged in seeing that the roots get established by carefully doing the necessary things such as watering , some nuturing and fertilizing, and then let it be. Thanks for your thoughts. - greg b

Melanie Kissell said...

To some degree, I believe it's human nature, Joyce. We humans just seem to have a knack for complicating matters, especially certain personality colors.

I love the analogy you've used. Network marketing is very much like growing a garden. The word pictures you've created in your article will give people a clear, uncomplicated understanding of what it takes to "grow" an MLM business opportunity.

I'm off to plant some more seeds!


Anonymous said...

As always you leave your readers seeing a picture that they can remember. We just need to believe that when we plant our seeds, water, fertilize and weed. The harvest is inevitable. Make sure to plant many seeds because some will not produce. Great advice!!

Kudos to you,
Debbie Hudson

Lynn and Rick said...

Joyce, we tend to forget that even in network marketing Mother Nature has the final say.

We plant our seeds in a vast array of soils and climates. Some take nicely to our nurturing, most do not. It is in our tenacity to find those that want to grow that Mother Nature smiles fondly down on us and blesses us with a strong seedling capable of producing new growth.

Keep bringing on these great word pictures. And, like Melanie said, I'm going to put on my best bib-overalls and plant lots of seeds.

Lynn and Rick
Miami, FL, USA

Nicki729 said...

Joyce, not only do you have a way with words but you also get your point across in a very picturesque way.

Thanks for watering, fertilizing and watching me grow.

Your Eagle2b,

Nicki Tompkins